Volunteer For Virtual Environmental Online Education
We are recruiting volunteers from around the world to help with our cause!
Once again we welcome you to our organization. We are confident your contributions will assist with the overall success of our projects.
Feel free to contact us at volunteers@advocateforeath.org for staff assistance for any information you need. You will be contacted with information on how you can start your virtual volunteer assignment using Google Drive.
Affiliate Volunteers will have the option to jumpstart projects in their own communities by being the organizers of their own tree-planting campaign. The goal is to get the community involved in building a green footprint and raise awareness about how to protect and preserve our environment. Advocate For Earth will use its institutional support to provide a playbook on how to run a tree-planting campaign from start to finish. They will also provide funding when necessary.
There are several stages in participating in the affiliate volunteers program:
1. Register your interest with Advocate For Earth
2. Conduct your own research on a project you can pursue in your community
3. Scope out and design your project
4. Gather your team together
5. Obtain the necessary permissions
6. Submit your application to Advocate For Earth
7. Purchase/obtain necessary supplies & tools
8. Prepare your site
9. Complete your project
10. Debrief with Advocate For Earth and receive project reimbursement
11. Follow-up on project

To take the next steps for our Affiliate Volunteer Program
email us volunteers@advocateforeath.org