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Advocate For Earth Essay Contest To Win A Great Prize

Welcome to our Essay Contest Page! 


The competition starts on July 15th, 2023, and ends on December 30th. It is by invitation only. All participating schools will receive email notifications of the registration start date. 


There will be 1st & 2nd place in each age group!

1. Attached is the How to Write an Essay document, which the students may use to guide the development of their essays.


2. The participating students should range from ages 12 to 18.


3. Students may write an essay in English. All essays will go through the English language plagiarism checker. We may request a video about the topic from students submitting essays.


4. Instructions on how the essay should be presented are the following:

a. Font Arial

b. Font size 8

c. Minimum and maximum word count between 250 and 300

d. Maximum page count 3

e. Spacing double line 

f. Pictures allowed

g. The essays should be about the following topics:


  • For AGE 15-18: With global human population sizes continually increasing,  how can food security be reached?


  • For AGE 11-14: With global human population sizes continually increasing,  how can food security be reached?


  • For AGE 5-10:  Your schools will receive email instructions.


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Download the Essay Writing Competition format outline. 

Boy at desk writting

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